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Permanent Methods

Straight to the Facts: Sterilization

  • Less than 1% failure rate!

  • Never have to think about pills, patches, rings, etc.

  • Not reversable

    • It is extremely difficult to undo a tubal ligation or vasectomy

  • Must be performed at a doctor's office, surgery center, or hospital

  • Often covered by health insurance

  • Possible complications, but they are rare

Vasectomies and tubal ligation, aka "getting your tubes tied", are permanent birth control methods which prevent you from ever having biological children of your own. Both of these options involve minor surgery, and most people recover quickly. They also do not affect your hormones so women will still have periods after getting their tubes tied.


A vasectomy is a small surgical procedure in which the tube that carries sperm is blocked off. It is very effective with about 1 in 1000 men fathering babies afterwards. It is permanent; so, talk about it with your partner before you have a vasectomy as you will no longer be able to have biological children. 

Tubal ligation is a surgical procedure in which a woman's fallopian tubes are blocked. It is very effective, almost 100%. It does not require a woman to take hormones afterwards. It is also permanent; so, talk about it with your partner before you do it since you will never be able to become pregnant with your biological children.


Why would someone choose sterilization?


There are many reasons someone might voluntarily choose to be sterilized. For example, you may not want any more children or do not want the financial burden. You might be concerned about passing genetic abnormalities on to future children.  For whatever reason, make sure you discuss it with your partner and doctor so you can make sure you are making the best choice for you.

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Sterilization will not
protect you from STIs. To prevent STIs, use a barrier method like a condom every time you have sex.

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